A PPSA (Personal Property Security Act) Registration is a registration made by a creditor against a debtor registering a lien on a moveable property. A PPSA Registration serves as notice to all third parties of the security interest held by the lender (secured party) against the borrower (debtor) (Corporation) (Individual)
A RSLA (Repair and Storage Liens Act) covers the repair and/or storage of "articles," defined as "tangible personal property other than a fixture. A "repair" "means an expenditure of money on, or the application of labour, skill or materials to, an article for the purpose of altering, improving or restoring its properties or maintaining its condition…" Though the term "storage" is not defined in the Act, a "storer" is "a person who receives an article for storage or storage and repair on the understanding that the person will be paid for the storage or storage and repair, as the case may be."